Watch The Final Page: Part One () Online Free Streaming
Watch The Final Page: Part One () Online Free Movie Streaming

- Title: The Final Page: Part One
- Year:
- Duration: unknown
- Rating: 8.6
- Genres: Romance, Comedy
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Summary The Final Page: Part One ()
Ted wants to rub his new building in the face of an old professor, Barney is the victim of a lengthy jinx, Marshall and Lily run into an annoying old acquaintance, and Robin gets an opportunity to fire Patrice.
Each of the friends somewhat admit that they have who they consider a "pit guy": someone who, if they had the power, would throw into a pit in their basement to banish forever, much like in The Silence of the Lambs (1991). For Ted, that person is his ex-architecture professor, Professor Vinick, who told Ted at the time that he had no talent and would never become an architect. Now that the GNB headquarters is about to open, Ted decides to invite Professor Vinick to the opening ceremonies to show him wrong. Professor Vinick's response makes Ted hold onto that grudge even harder. For Robin, that person is her co-worker, Patrice, who is now dating Barney. Robin will not however admit that Patrice is her pit guy because she still loves Barney herself. Robin has a chance to throw Patrice into her make believe pit when Robin has to fire a co-worker of her choice. For Lily and Marshall, that person is Daryl LaCorte, a colleague from Wesleyan who saw himself as their best friend after one game of hacky sack during their freshman year, although they tried at every turn to avoid him ever since. He still connects with them through social media. Lily and Marshall unwittingly learn of Daryl's whereabouts and his current plans for them. The one person who can't admit to having a pit guy is Barney, who, through a jinx that can only be removed by Ted, Robin, Marshall or Lily, but each who refuses to remove that jinx, is not allowed to speak or else face a dire consequence.
Synopsis The Final Page: Part One ()
At the bar, Marshall jinxes Barney when they say the same thing at the same time, and this is a momentous occasion. Five years earlier, Barney broke a jinx by speaking before his name was mentioned by a witness to the jinx and he was hit by a bus. Since then, he's taken them quite seriously, and he's been known to torture those jinxed. Once, when Marshall had a chance to talk to this childhood hero, Frank Viola, he was jinxed by Barney (when they both said Frank's name at the same time), and instead of saying Marshall's name to break the jinx, Barney taunted Marshall and lit a cigar while Frank Viola waited on the phone for a response that never came. Now, the gang is ecstatic about the chance to turn the tables on Barney.
Ted's GNB skyscraper is about to be dedicated, and Ted thinks back to his biggest influence. He's thinking back to his professor from 1996, an eccentric fellow named Professor Vinnick (Peter Gallagher). Ted once showed him a sketch he was working on and the professor told him he'd never be an architect. Ted sent Vinnick an invitation to the dedication so he could see that Ted eventually did become an architect. Lily, Marshall and Robin tease Ted for being obsessed and making Vinnick his "pit guy," referring to "The Silence of the Lambs," where the person someone's been obsessed with for so long is thrown into and kept in a pit. Ted says he would never do that. Robin agrees, and says there's no one she'd every throw into a pit.
Lily suggests Patrice, whom we know Robin hates. Robin says she wouldn't do that, but Marshall and Lily insist that everyone has someone they'd throw into a pit and there's someone who'd want to throw each of them into a pit. Marshall and Lily remember Darrell LeCourt, a guy in college (played by Seth Green) who became obsessed with them after having played hacky sack with them once freshman year. He remembers the date and says it is "the best memory ever." They're still getting emails and posts from him.
Barney shows up and Robin announces, "Hey, it's Bar-none my favorite non-speaking jinxed person in the world." She asks Barney how his day was, and he mouths a whole speech (which we see subtitled) about how he was late to work because he was in a taxi for an hour and couldn't tell the driver where to go, so he was reamed out at work for being late. He finally mouths, "In the words of the almighty Destiny's Child, 'Say My Name ! SAY MY NAME!'"
"Yeah, I didn't get a word of that," Ted says.
At Robin's office, Sandy (Alexis Denisof) is giddy about it being year-end review time, when they can fire some people. Robin isn't as excited, and says she would never fire someone for unprofessional reasons. Then she flips through files and we next see Patrice walk into Robin's office.
Barney is tapping Marshall's shoulder, trying to get Marshall to say his name. Marshall refuses. Ted walks in with Vinnick's RSVP. He's not attending, which Ted says is fine because he just wanted to make sure he received the invitation. But Vinnick added a note saying he thinks the invitation was sent to the wrong person because he has no idea who Ted Mosby is. Ted is angry, and he's driving, saying Vinnick will never forget who he is. Barney taps on Ted's shoulder, but Ted says, "Not happening, bro."
Lily, Marshall and Barney are in the car with Ted, although they don't condone his behavior. Lily wants to know what Ted is going to do when he sees Vinnick. Ted plays out a whole revenge fantasy where he shows Vinnick the building, which he thinks is amazing, and then Ted lights Vinnick on fire. Lily is excited about going to campus. She and Marshall talk about the dining hall hot dogs and Lily, just to torture Barney, says she loves "those huge wieners in my mouth." Barney is losing it, unable to speak.
Robin is questioning Patrice, having a bit of a "pit" fantasy, about her accomplishments for the year accidentally calling her Clarice, at first. Patrice compliments Robin's basket full of lotions, saying how beautiful it is and Robin shouts at her, "I know, that's why I bought, PATRICE!"
Back on campus, Barney is desperate for someone to say his name. He sketches a knee and a barn and tries to get Marshall to say the two words together. Marshall tells Lily they should stop at the "Knee Barn" on the way home to pick up some wholesale knees.
Then they run into Darrell. He says they look just like they do in his paintings.
Ted sits in Vinnick's class, waiting for a chance to get in Vinnick's face. Ted ends up taking notes furiously as he realizes how much Vinnick taught him.
Darrell shows them his hacky sack store, named the "Three Hack-migos." Darrell invites them to his house. Marshall and Barney have a brief, silent conversation using only their facial gestures. Barney wants Marshall to set him free so he can lie them out of it, which Marshall seems to consider for a moment, before remembering Frank Viola. He accepts Darrell's invitation.
Robin asks Patrice how often she and Barney are having sex. Patrice thinks this is an inappropriate question and leaves. Robin tells her she should leave she's fired.
Ted finally approaches Vinnick after the class and hands him the drawing of his building, and Vinnick again tells him he'll never be an architect.
Darrell brings Marshall, Lily and Barney into his dark, windowless basement. Darrell leaves to go get them a surprise.
He returns, having left the trio traumatized, with their surprise. Marshall tells Darrell to know, before he kills them, that they have a child. Darrell is shocked and says he was going to give them a check for $100,000 for having helped come up with the idea for the Three Hack-migos store. He says he's "like the Mark Zuckerberg of jam band concert parking lot athletics."
Patrice asks why she's being fired. Robin tells Patrice nobody should be as happy as she is, and she tells Patrice her cookies are "only pretty good." Patrice asks Robin if this is really about her, and Robin says it's not. Patrice hugs her and Robin tears up.
Lily tells Ted about creepy Darrell, who was completely OK with their rejection after so many years although he didn't give them the $100,000. Ted wonders if creepy Darrell is more emotionally adjusted than he is. Ted realizes he, himself, was the only person in his pit.
Robin apologizes to Patrice and tells her it's just really hard seeing her with Barney. And Ted prepares to throw away a model he made of his GNB building when Vinnick comes down the hall and asks Ted if he made the model to try to prove some point. Ted insists that he had a transcendent moment, and continues shouting this as he walks down the hall realizing the whole time that his shouting kind of negates the transcendent moment.
On the way home, the group stops for some snacks. Marshall asks Barney if he wants anything, and Barney gestures for some kind of drink.
"Spicy beef jerky, got it," Marshall says as he and Lily leave the car.
Barney and Ted stay in the car and Barney shows Ted a huge wedding ring, to which Ted says, "Oh my God, Barney!"
Finally free from his jinx, Barney fires off things he's been holding in, including, "If Lily wants a a big wiener in her mouth, she's got my number; and I'm sorry that you took the rap for all the farting on the car ride up here, that was me."
Barney tells Ted he's going to ask Patrice to marry him.
"Are you serious?!" they both say at the same time, to which Barney jinxes Ted, who now can't speak.
Barney says he is serious, and knows that if Ted could talk, he would say Barney is crazy or over-correcting, but he'd be wrong. He says that with Patrice, for the first time in his life, he feels settled and happy. He says he's going to ask Patrice to marry him the next night on the roof of the WWN building.
Barney tells Ted he'll unjinx him if he agrees to two rules: He can't try to talk Barney out of it and he cannot tell anybody.
Ted reluctantly agrees. Barney reminds him that it's a jinx swear, so if Ted breaks it he gets to hit him three times in the nuts with a whiffle ball bat. Ted nods again.
"Thank you," Barney says, "Ted."
Marshall and Lily come back and Barney says hello. He tells them he tricked Ted into saying his name, prompting them both and Barney to say, "Aww, c'mon Ted." Barney jinxes both Marshall and Lily. Then he asks Ted if there's anything he wants to talk about. Ted says, "Nope."
Lily taps Barney on the shoulder, and he says, "Not happening, bro."
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