Watch Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. Part One () Online Free Streaming

Watch Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. Part One () Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. Part One

  • Year:

  • Duration: unknown

  • Rating: 8.4

  • Genres: Sci-Fi, Drama, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Crime

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Summary Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. Part One ()

With the ISA on their trail, Courtney, Pat and the team regroup to figure out their next steps. Meanwhile, Rick makes a breakthrough, and the team prepares for a showdown with the ISA.

Tigress invades the Dugan home, while Sportsmaster comes after Pat at the garage only for Mike to save his father. Later, the JSA regroup and with Pat's help, Rick finds the key to his father's journal. The team learn what the ISA's plan is, but time is running out to stop the villains.

Synopsis Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. Part One ()

In the ISA meeting room, Jordan looks at the computer screen counting down to the project. Brainwave comes in and says that the orders have been given. Sportsmaster and Tigress are on the hunt, Courtney and her family will soon be dead, and Dragon King is preparing his machine. When the ISA begins their broadcast, Gambler will trigger a communications blackout across the U.S. routing the attack through Moscow so that the Pentagon isn't aware the attack is coming from within the U.S. By the time they work it out, it will be too late. Brainwave's powers will extend beyond Blue Valley, and everyone he "reprograms" will think like them, and fight for them if need be.

Brainwave tells Jordan that his dream of a better America will become a reality, and Jordan's wife would be proud. Jordan tells him to inform him when Courtney and her family are dead, and leaves.

Courtney and Barbara pack to leave before the ISA arrive, and Courtney asks her mother if it's okay to get her staff. Barbara hesitantly agrees.

Pat takes Mike out of school to his garage, and confirms that Mike didn't tell his friends anything. Mike says that he doesn't know and starts playing with a drill. Pat finally yells at him to stop, and Mike tells him to stop treating him like a little kid and walks out.

Crusher steps out of the shadows behind Pat, wielding a bat. He tells Pat that he shocked him, and never thought he would have had it in him. Crusher complains that Pat never told him about STRIPE and figures that it's in the garage room next door. When Pat feigns ignorance, Crusher says that he's underwhelmed and swings his bat at Pat, who runs.

Barbara comes downstairs with more supplies, and when she kneels over Tigress just misses her with a crossbow belt. Tigress advances on Barbara and shoots at her, and Barbara takes cover behind a couch in the living room. The villain comes after her and kicks her into a table, and Courtney stops her with the Staff. Courtney swings and knocks Tigress through a doorway, then helps Barbara up.

Pat puts up his fists, and Crusher drops his bat and moves in, his fists up. When Pat punches him in the face, Crusher shrugs off the blow and dares him to swing harder. Pat hits him again, and Crusher slams Pat into a wall then slams into him, knocking him down. Pat feigns being injured worse than he is, and slugs Crusher when he moves in. Crusher isn't impressed and beats him, slams him with a door, and says that Pat could stop the ISA.

Tigress recovers and chases Barbara and Courtney through the house. When Tigress kicks Barbara down, Courtney uses the Staff to catch her mother and spin her out of the way of Tigress' next kick. It attacks Tigress on its own, then goes into Courtney's hand and Courtney knocks Tigress down.

Pat tries to crawl away into the room with STRIPE. Crusher jokingly compliments Pat on the robot and then kicks Pat, and says that by 8 the next morning it will be over for everybody. He beats Pat, and Mike comes up behind Crusher and drives the drill into his back. Crusher stares at him in surprise, and Pat knocks him out with a tool.

Barbara watches as Courtney and Tigress spar, and Barbara knocks a flower plate over Tigress' head when she pins Courtney on the dinner table. Courtney recovers and blasts Tigress outside through the front door, knocking her out. Barbara tells Courtney that she was amazing, and Courtney leads her mother out.

Mike stares in shock at STRIPE, and wonders who Crusher is. Pat briefly explains, activates STRIPE by remote, and says that he'll say more when they get to the cabin where they're hiding out.

At Jordan's office, Lily and Sofus tell Jordan to forget Barbara. The grandparents wonder if they should tell Cameron, saying that it's his birthright, but Jordan refuses and he should know who his family is. Steven calls and tells Jordan something, and Jordan hangs up and tells his parents that there has been a small complication. He then calls Anaya at the school. She goes to her office and finds Isaac there. Isaac is crying, and tells his mother that a bully keeps calling him a "tuba turd". The bully finally tripped Isaac down the stairs, ripping his new jacket.

Anaya says that when Isaac's father was a child, he was picked in for playing his favorite instrument. She picks up a violin on display, and says that her husband never stopped pursuing his passion or let anyone else define him. Eventually they stopped bothering him, because he took the bow of his violin and put it through one of his tormentor's eardrums. Isaac looks over at his tuba.

The Dugans drive to their cabin, and the other members of the JSA are there. They greet Courtney, and a truck pulls up. Justin gets out and says that he brought food, and STRIPE arrives on autopilot. They go into the cabin, and Justin mutters that the battle is nigh.

Brainwave goes to the meeting room, and Cindy asks him if Stargirl is dead. He says that her job was to watch Henry Jr. for any signs of his latent abilities, and she might have been able to help him if Brainwave had known his son's telepathic powers were emerging. Instead of helping him, Brainwave had to end him. Cindy says that it would have helped Henry if he wasn't lying comatose in a hospital bed while the rest of them were picking up his slack. Brainwave turns on her and tells her that Dragon King sees her as a failed experiment. Cindy insists that her father loves her, and says that if Brainwave releases her she can be a valuable member of the ISA. Brainwave tells her that the ISA feels the same way that Dragon King does about her, and they don't want her.

Dragon King comes in and asks Brainwave if he's ready for the test. Brainwave says that he is, as Cindy pounds on her cell door in fury. The two villains go to the amplifier chamber and Brainwave sits down in a chair at the center of the room. Dragon King straps him in and warns there is a risk. Either will work or Brainwave's brain will melt down. Brainwave doesn't care and tells Dragon King to continue, and Dragon King goes to the control room and activates the amplifier for the test. Energy fills the chamber, shooting into Brainwave's brain, and he screams in pain as telepathic voices fill his head.

The power stops flowing and Dragon King calls to Brainwave. Brainwave says that he heard millions of voices, and their ugly truths, and their plan is going to work. Dragon King is pleased, and goes to free Brainwave as the countdown timer reaches just under nine hours.

At the cabin, Beth asks Chuck if Pat was right. Chuck says that Pat's hunch was correct and there has been a massive surge of electrical energy in Blue Valley. The AI figures that it's somehow connected to Brainwave, and it figures Brainwave's powers increased after Henry's death. Chuck confirms that there was an energy release when Henry Jr. died, and Brainwave absorbed it. Beth asks the nearby Yolanda if she's okay, and if she's thinking about Henry. Yolanda says that she isn't because there's nothing she can do about it. Chuck reports to Beth that Yolanda is lying.

Justin goes to Rick, who is going over his father's journal. Rick explains what the journal is, and how he was investigating the ISA before Justin was, and they sent Grundy to kill Rex and his wife. The teenager says that the journal is written in code, and the equation on the last page is a key but he's missing a number. Justin tells Rick that all good things come in due time, and Rick notes that according to Pat, he has less than eight hours to figure it out. Justin has no ideas and goes to clean the bathroom.

Out on the cabin porch, Mike approaches Courtney and she says that she's standing watch. He points out that she has the Staff and he needs one or a robot to protect himself. Mike wonders if the Staff might have picked him if it had encountered him first, and then asks if he could try it. Courtney agrees, and Mike tentatively takes the Staff but it doesn't respond to him. Mike says that Pat doesn't have any powers but built STRIPE, and hopes that one day he can do that for the JSA. Courtney tells him that would be cool.

At the Dugan house, Crusher tends to Tigress' wounds and says that he'll rip Mike's arms out of his sockets. The door opens, and the villains go to investigate. It's Anaya, holding a violin case. She says that Jordan sent her to make sure Crusher and Tigress didn't fail a second time. The couple say they don't need Anaya's help, and Anaya says that she's going to immobilize them, making them impossible to miss. Crusher doesn't see the "fun" in attacking targets that don't move, and Anaya says that it's not about fun and they're sadists.

Anaya wonders how their daughter will turn out, and Crusher takes offense at the insinuation that they don't love her. She says that they're unfit to be parents, and Tigress shoots Anaya in the chest with a crossbow bolt. Crusher chuckles and says that he loves his wife, as she comes over and recovers her bolt, and then the two of them leave... with the violin case lying on the floor.

At the cabin, Pat gets tools to check STRIPE while the JSA does recon. Barbara asks why he didn't tell her about any of it before they got married, and Pat explains that everyone he ever knew ended up dead. He hoped the life was behind him, and when he met Barbara the family was all that mattered. If Pat had known the truth about Blue Valley, things would be different. He asks Barbara if the two of them are going to be okay, and Barbara smiles and says that she wants them to be.

Rick continues going over the journal, and finally throws it against the wall in frustration. Pat comes in and picks it up, and asks if Rick is having trouble. Rick explains all the numbers he's tried, and he never got to knew his father because of the ISA. Pat suggests Rex's prize Mustang, and Rick uses the year it was made as the key number. Rick decodes the journal and comes up with the key.

After telling Beth to scan the journal, Rick says that the diary contains the coordinates for a map. He figures that Rex found about the map before Grundy killed him. Beth scans the journal and projects a hologrammatic image of the tunnels for the others. Rick points out the meeting room and the entrances, and the chamber where the machine is built. Courtney figures that the ISA used the equipment and satellite coordinates they stole to make a device. Chuck identifies it as a "synaptic amplifier" that will let Brainwave reach millions of minds. Barbara figures the ISA wants the people to follow them without question.

Pat wants to destroy the machine, and Rick finds a tunnel that will let STRIPE go in. Courtney says that Rick, Justin, and Yolanda will enter from the opposite side of town. They'll split up to avoid detection and join up at the amplifier. Meanwhile, with Chuck's help Beth has identified the town's electrical surges at the American Dream. Chuck thinks he can access the system there, and they'll shut down the computers. Barbara insists on going with Beth to the American Dream, despite Pat's objections. She tells Pat that she knows the building better than anyone else, and Pat reluctantly gives in. Mike asks what his job is, and Pat tells him that he's going to look after the dog. Mike is disgusted, and Pat says that it's an important job as the teams head out.

The teams go in, and Beth and Barbara go to Barbara's office. Beth hacks her computer and contacts the other two teams but wonders why she can communicate with them when she couldn't last time they were in the tunnels. She finds a countdown at 35, and Chuck finds the ISA's manifesto. Beth figures that they have 35 minutes, and the ISA has a "New Constitution" and will combat global warming, and force people to embrace solar and wind power, and eliminate discrimination over race, religion, and sexual education. The IAS is also going to implement universal health care. Hourman wonders if they're on the right side.

Pat figures that there's something else, and Beth warns that if the machine broadcasts, they have to stop it in 30 minutes or the effects are permanent. The broadcast only affects fully-developed minds: adults. Chuck says that there's a catch: people will fight too hard against the reprogramming and their brains will shut down. Twenty-five of the people targeted will die.

Steven cuts in and explains that he just hacked into Beth's hack. Chuck identifies Beth as Dr. Mid-Nite, and Steven tells her that there's nothing to do. When Beth says that they have 30 minutes, Steven chuckles and explains that the broadcast begins at the 30 minute mark, and it's 30 minutes until Brainwave is finished.

Dragon King and Brainwave activate the amplifier.

Barbara goes into a trance, as does Justin.

Brainwave takes control over the entire population, including Pat.

STRIPE swings at Stargirl.

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