Watch Sangre Eterna (2002) Online Free Download
Watch Sangre Eterna (2002) Online Free Movie Streaming

- Title: Sangre Eterna
- Year: 2002
- Duration: unknown
- Rating: 4.4
- Genres: Action, Thriller, Horror
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Summary Sangre Eterna (2002)
When student journalism major Carmilla meets a gang of role-playing kids, they introduce her to a vampire game called Eternal Blood. But is it just a game?
Carmilla, A journalism student, meets a group of kids that play a role-game called "Eternal Blood". She gets interested in this hobby by "M", a young man she met in a philosophy seminar. "M" gets Carmilla into the role game; but in a strange party at an abandoned house, the group meet "Dahmer", an unusual young man who makes rituals about vampirism and shortly he begins influencing his friends. "M" realizes the situation is unusual and that some of them are actually being transformed into vampires. In the investigation of the origin of these myths, "M" finds the way to revert the group's process. The philosophy professor gives him some texts about this issue that might help him find the way to save their souls...
Carmila is a student of Journalism, who has relationship problems with her stepmother. She needs to interview a person for her homework of philosophy class, and she meets M, a vampire lover that plays a RPG called "Eternal Blood" with his gothic friends Elizabeth and Martin, in a seminar. After the interview, she is invited to participate in the game and to date M in a party in a house owned by the weird Dahmer. The group uses drugs, and M is convinced that Dahmer is a vampire and is transforming his friends also in vampire. He decides to use the content of the philosophy classes to save Carmilla and his friends from the claws of Dahmer.
Synopsis Sangre Eterna (2002)
There's going to be a total lunar eclipse over Santiago, Chile next Monday.
The astrologers predict that there will be emotional consequences
and changes all around.
Professor Romero [Jorge Denegri] has given an assignment that his journalism students
aren't too happy conduct an interview with
someone...anyone...just so long as it's someone of interest. While sitting
in Romero's history lecture about the influence of Christian ideas in
Latin America, one of his students, a Goth wannabee chick, notices a cute
Goth boy sitting in the back of the room. Hmm, he looks "interesting."
Later, when she sees him in the hallway, she asks if she can interview
him. He's too busy right now, he says.
His name is "M", and he is the Master in a game of Sangre Eterna
(like V:tM) with his two Goth amigos Elizabeth [Patricia López] and Martín [Claudio Espinoza]. They are
walking down the street when they notice the sidewalks are empty of
people. Suddenly, they are open-fired upon by a group of vampire-hunting
priests and nuns. M [Juan Pablo Ogalde] takes out one of the priests while Elizabeth takes
cover behind a car. A lone priest blows a hole in Martín's stomach. As the
priest is about to put another bullet in Martín's brain, M speeds by and
breaks the priest's neck. Just then, their bodies begin to steam, and they
realize that they've been out in the sun too long and must take cover.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth has beheaded a nun and is drinking her blood when she
is ambushed by another gun-toting team of priests. They riddle Elizabeth
with bullets as the sun peeks its way over the buildings. Severely wounded
and now exposed to the sun, Elizabeth begins to burn up.
"You're about to lose your life," M tells Elizabeth after looking at
her dice roll. "If you die, so does your character."
Elizabeth does not want to give up her character, so M comes up with
a plan...get another player whose character can jump in and save
them...and he knows just the person...that cute Goth chick who asked him
for an interview this afternoon. She'd be perfect for the role of
Carmilla. The next day at school, when M passes "Carmilla" in the hallway,
he stops to talk to her. This time he agrees to be interviewed, and they
go to a cafe where they can talk. It turns out that Carmilla [Blanca Lewin] really digs
vampires, so M invites her to play Sangre Eterna. After teaching her how to roleplay,
the "vampires" pick up where the game left off. As Elizabeth is about to
die, Carmilla uses Speed to whip past all the vampire hunters and slit
their necks before they can kill Elizabeth. Unfortunately, Carmilla's
arrival from the Vaida's clans has released two ghouls who set upon
Martín. Smelling the ghouls, M retreats, leaving Martín to fight alone.
Together, Carmilla and Elizabeth defeat the ghouls and save Martín.
Carmilla is a natural player, and the group is happy to have her.
M is happy, too. He and Carmilla have hit it off quite well. To
celebrate a successful gaming session, Elizabeth invites them to accompany
her to a party at her friend's house. The address takes them to a wrought
iron gate that fronts a big, spooky-looking, rundown house with no lights
in the windows and no suggestion that any party is going on. Elizabeth
eventually finds the way in. The inside of the house is even spookier than
the outside. The guests are decked in their finest Goth garb, lit candles
are all over, and there's a lot of drinking and toking going on.
When party host Dahmer arrives, M gets the chills. He recognizes
Dahmer from Blondie's (a club). After drinking a bit too much last night at
Blondie's, M had gone into the men's room to relieve himself. While M
stood in a stall, Dahmer and his watchdog friend Punk entered and proceeded
to severely beat a third guy they thought was a snitch. Through a crack in
the stall door, M saw it all, including the part where Dahmer turned into
a vampire and bit the snitch's neck. M doesn't like how chummy Dahmer is
getting with Elizabeth, so he follows them out back, where they appear to
be necking. When Dahmer raises his face from Elizabeth's neck, M is
certain he can see fangs and blood.
The next morning, M awakens to a big spot of blood on the side of his
head and doesn't remember how he got it. Carmilla explains that he got
into some kind of row with Dahmer, and Punk had to clobber him in order to
get M to stop. When Carmilla and M meet up again after class, Carmilla
wonders where Elizabeth is, and M says that Martín said that Elizabeth
spent the whole night at Dahmer's house. M confesses to Carmilla that he
has a bad feeling about Dahmer, but Carmilla poohpoohs him. When Martín
phones M later that evening to tell him that he's going over to Dahmer's
house to buy some "stuff," M tries to warn Martín about Dahmer, but Martín
isn't concerned either.
Realizing that he's alone with his concerns about Dahmer, M begins to
do a little research. He has learned in Romero's class about the Church's
teaching that the soul of anyone who drinks blood will not enter heaven
because "the blood is the life." He downloads some information from the
Internet about "Saving Souls." The next morning is Saturday, so he goes
over to the library to do a little reading on how the church purifies
souls. He runs into Romero. Always interested in helping a student
interested in Christian history, Romero provides M with even more books
and papers on the subject.
That evening, Dahmer is holding another party, a more private one for
his special friends. Martín tries to talk M into going, but he doesn't
want to, even though he's worried about Elizabeth. When Carmilla shows up,
however, and says that she is going, M tags along. When Dahmer offers his
guests some good "stuff," M refuses and tries to force Carmilla to leave
with him, but Carmilla doesn't want to go. Dahmer orders M thrown out of
the party. M returns to his apartment. He rages in anger until he finally
falls asleep. He is awakened several hours later when Carmilla shows up,
her wrists covered with blood. M carries her into his bedroom, lays her on
the bed, and tries to clean the blood off her wrists, but all Carmilla
wants to do is have sex. While they are so engaged, M looks up to see that
Carmilla's face has turned into that of a vampire.
Sure that all his friends have been turned into vampires, M knows
that he must do something. But what? Sunday morning, he goes to see his
father, but good old dad is at work, as usual. M tries to phone his father
at work but gets chewed out for interrupting him. M returns to his own
apartment to find Carmilla gone. He tries to call Carmilla's mother but
hangs up when she lights into him. He tries to call Romero but gets an
answering machine. Out of ideas, M finally goes snooping at Dahmer's house
and finds him passing around a cup and telling his followers about the
ritual they will perform tomorrow night during the lunar eclipse, the
ritual that will "finish what we have started."
M knows what he must do. The next morning, Monday, M pays a visit to
a nearby church. While there, he dips a handful of bullets into a bowl of
holy water. After the sun has set and the lunar eclipse begun, M returns
to Dahmer's house, bullets in gun, gun in hand. He begins to shoot at
everyone in the house, even Martín. Dahmer comes flying at M in an attempt
to stop the shooting, but M puts a stake of wood through Dahmer's chest.
Elizabeth is in the bathroom when she hears Carmilla screaming, peeks out
the bathroom door, and sees M firing a bullet into Carmilla's abdomen.
Elizabeth watches as Dahmer reappears (where's the stake in his chest?)
and knocks down M. Then she starts to scream.
Elizabeth has been taken to the police station where the police
attempt to calm her down while they wait for her parents. Carmilla is
being rushed into surgery, while her mother sits in the waiting room
watching news reports of the lunar eclipse. M and Romero sit in the police
interrogation room while M tries to explain to Romero how he got the idea
of saving his friends' souls from the professor's own teachings. Romero is
horrified that M would have so twisted his words and storms out of the
room while M yells, "This isn't over yet!"
So what happened? Was Dahmer really a vampire, turning M's friends
into vampires? Was M a psychotic murderer? Were they just kids unable to
handle the "good stuff"? Was it the effects of the lunar eclipse?
Epilogue: Carmilla lies asleep in her hospital bed after undergoing
surgery. The EKG beeps...beeps...beeps...then straightlines. Carmilla
opens her eyes. In an alternative ending, all the characters -- M, Carmilla, Martín,
Elizabeth, Dahmer, Punk, and Romero -- are seated around the playing table
at the end of an all-night session of Sangre Eterna. Dahmer opens the
curtains, letting in the sun, laughs and says to M, "I'll kill you
tomorrow." Carmilla goes home, sneaks into her bedroom, and hops into
bed. [Original synopsis by bj_kuehl]
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